NASA Earth Sciences & UW Hackweek 2024

19 Aug - 23 Aug University of Washington, Seattle, USA
Tutorials + peer-to-peer learning + project based teamwork

About NASA Earth Sciences & UW Hackweek

The eScience Institute at the University of Washington is excited to present the next evolution in our annual hackweek program. 2024 will be our first combined event, with projects using data from the NASA ICESat-2 and SnowEx missions, and with specialists from the NSF GeoSMART program providing training in Machine Learning

2024 Event Starts In:

Days Hours Minutes Seconds


All times listed below are UTC -7 (Pacific Daylight Time). You might want to consult this Time Zone Map to figure out times in your location.

9:00 - 9:45


Plenary: Welcome!

Welcome to the event

Tutorial Lead(s)
Mark Welden-Smith

9:45 - 10:15


Plenary: Best Practices for Collaborative Development

Effective teamwork and collaborations

Tutorial Lead(s)

10:15 - 11:00


Plenary: CryoCloud

CryoCloud JupyterHub introduction

Tutorial Lead(s)

11:00 - 11:15



11:15 - 11:30


Tutorial: SnowEx Mission Overview

All about SnowEx, 2017-2023, with some extra emphasis on Alaska.

Tutorial Lead(s)

11:15 - 12:00


Tutorial: ICESat-2 Mission Overview (Room 345)

All about ICESat-2 and the data products

Tutorial Lead(s)

11:30 - 12:00


Tutorial: SnowEx Data Overview

All about SnowEx data

Tutorial Lead(s)

12:00 - 13:00



13:00 - 13:45


Plenary: Cloud computing and cloud-optimized data formats

Tutorial Lead(s)

13:45 - 14:30


Plenary: Project Formation and Logistics

Forming projects

14:30 - 17:00



9:00 - 9:45


Tutorial: Data Access

Accessing NASA Data (especially SnowEx and ICESat-2); including earthaccess

9:45 - 10:30


Tutorial: SnowEx Database

Using the SnowEx Database

9:45 - 10:30


Tutorial: accessing ICESat-2 data (Room 345)

icepyx, SlideRule

Tutorial Lead(s)
JP Swinski

10:30 - 10:45



10:45 - 11:45


Tutorial: ML for Hydrological Sciences

Tutorial Lead(s)

12:00 - 13:00



13:00 - 13:15


Plenary: Project Guidance

Tips for organizing and working as a project team

Tutorial Lead(s)

13:15 - 17:00



9:00 - 9:45


Tutorial: SWESARR

All about SWESARR

9:00 - 10:00


Tutorial: Machine learning with ICESat-2 data (Room 345)

Tutorial Lead(s)

9:45 - 10:30


Tutorial: LiDAR & GPR


Tutorial Lead(s)

10:30 - 10:45



10:45 - 11:45


Tutorial: Machine learning for Snow Studies

An introduction to machine learning methods (e.g. Artificial Neural Networks, XGBoost) and applications for snow and hydrology

Tutorial Lead(s)

12:00 - 13:00



13:00 - 13:30


Project Updates

13:30 - 17:00



9:00 - 10:30


Plenary: From notebooks to packages

All about python packaging

10:30 - 10:45



10:45 - 11:45


Mental health in the geosciences

A conversation about mental health in the geosciences

12:00 - 13:00



13:00 - 17:00



9:00 - 9:45


Plenary: Open Science Discussion

Open science best practices

Tutorial Lead(s)

9:45 - 10:15


Feedback Survey

Complete the Hackweek survey

Tutorial Lead(s)
Mark Welden-Smith

10:15 - 10:30



10:30 - 12:00


Project Wrap-up

12:00 - 13:00



13:00 - 14:00


Project Wrap-up

14:00 - 15:00


Plenary: Closing remarks

Event closing ceremony

Tutorial Lead(s)
Mark Welden-Smith

Meet the team

The people on this page have helped organize the hackweek. You'll find a few specializations listed per person if you're wondering who to reach out to during the event!
Anna Valentine
Project Lead
Project Lead badge
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Suman Shekhar
Graduate Research Assistant
Project Lead badge
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Susan L. Howard
Staff Scientist
Project Lead badge
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Aaron Friesz
Science Coordination Lead
Project Lead badge
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Adrian Marziliano
PhD Student
Hackweek Helper badge
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Aimee Barciauskas
Cloud Engineer
Tutorial Lead badge
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Andy Barrett
Research Associate
Tutorial Lead badge
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Anthony Arendt
Senior Data Science Fellow
Lead Hackweek Organizer badge
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Anton Surunis
PhD Student
Tutorial Developer badge
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Arnab Muhuri
Scientific Staff
Project Lead badge
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Bareera Mirza
Graduate Student
Tutorial Helper badge
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Ben Smith
Project lead badge Project consultant badge
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Brent Wilder
PhD Student
Helper badge
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Charley Haley
Social Strategist and Collaboration Architect
Lead Community Building badge
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Daniel Howard
HPC Consultant
Helper badge
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Don Setiawan
Research Software Engineer
Technology Specialist badge
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Dylan Boyd
Postdoctoral Research Associate
Tutorial Developer badge
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Eli Holmes
NOAA Fisheries Open Science lead
Helper badge
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Elodie Macorps
Assistant Research Scientist
Tutorial Developer badge
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Eric Gagliano
Graduate student
Project lead badge
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Gail Reckase
Data Support Specialist
Tutorial contributor badge
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H.P. Marshall
SnowEx overview presentation, co-lead of microsnowex project
project lead badge
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Hui Gao
PhD Student
Project Lead badge
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Ibrahim Alabi
PhD Candidate
Tutorial Lead badge
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J. Michelle Hu
Research Scientist
Helper badge
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Jensen Ziheng Sun
Research Associate Professor
Tutorial Lead badge Project Team Lead badge
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Jessica Scheick
Research Assistant Professor
Lead Hackweek Organizer badge Tutorial Lead badge Project Team Lead badge
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Jesslyn Di Fiori
Technical Writer
Project Lead badge
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Joachim Meyer
Senior Research Scholar
Lead Hackweek Organizer badge Technology Specialist badge
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Justin Pflug
Assistant Research Scientist
Helper badge
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Karthik Venkataramani
Postdoctoral Fellow
Helper badge
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Kehan Yang
Computational Geoscientist
Helper badge
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Mansa Krishna
Graduate Student
Hackweek Helper badge
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Max Stevens
Assistant Research Scientist
Project Lead badge
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Megan Mason
Research Scientist
Tutorial Lead badge
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Micah Johnson
Tutorial Lead badge
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Micah Sandusky
CoFounder & CEO
Tutorial Developers badge
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Michael Studinger
Research Scientist
helper badge
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Michael (Mike) Town
Research Scientist
Project Lead badge
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Mikala Beig
Data Support Specialist
Tutorial Lead badge
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Morgan Sanger
PhD Student
Project Lead badge
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Naomi Alterman
Education Consultant
Education Consultant badge
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Research scientist
Reasearch Scientist
Lead Hackweek Organizer badge
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Jesse Pisel
Director of Data Science Challenges
Helper badge
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Preetika Kaur
PhD Student
Helper badge
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Quinn Brencher
graduate student
Project Lead badge
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Randall Bonnell
Research Scientist
Tutorial Developer badge
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Romina Piunno
Tutorial Lead
Tutorial Developer badge
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Savalan Neisary
Ph.D. Student
Tutorial Lead badge
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Scott Henderson
Research Scientist
Technology Consultant badge Tutorial Developer badge
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Shashank Bhushan
Postdoctoral Scholar
Helper badge
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Steven Pestana
Research Scientist
Project Consultant badge
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Tasha Snow
Research Scientist
CryoCloud lead badge Tutorial lead badge
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Tyler Sutterley
Senior Research Scientist
Tutorial Developer badge Helper badge
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Wei Ji Leong
Machine Learning Engineer
Tutorial developer badge
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Zach Fair
Postdoctoral Fellow
Hackweek helper badge
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Our Sponsors

This event was made possible by the NASA ICESat-2 and SnowEx missions, the National Science Foundation (Awards #1829585, #2117834), and the eScience Institute. Cloud computing infrastructure provided by CryoCloud.
eScience Institute
NASA ICESat-2 Mission
National Science Foundation